Podrobný protokol

V této tabulce jsou uvedena všechna kliknutí všech studentů v uzavřených pokusech v testu Hot Potatoes.

Tabulka je velmi široká a může být velmi dlouhá – předpokládá se, že si ji stáhnete a prohlédnete v tabulkovém procesoru (např. Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice.org Calc apod.).

Každý řádek tabulky obsahuje následující informace:


  • název kurzu, číslo sekce, číslo činnosti, název činnosti, typ testu, počet otázek
  • celé jméno studenta, datum přihlášení, čas přihlášení, čas odhlášení
  • číslo pokusu, čas začátku pokusu, čas konce pokusu
  • počet kliknutí, čas kliknutí, typ kliknutí


  • questions which were checked, or given a hint or clue on the current click
  • the status of each question after the current click
    • 0 means "correct"
    • X means "wrong"
    • - means "not attempted"
  • new answers which were received on the current click (answers that did not change are not shown)
  • questions for which new answers were received on the current click
  • questions for which new answers were received, or for which a hint or clue was given, on the current click

How many questions were affected?
The following details are shown of the total number of questions, if any, affected by the current click and the total number of questions affected so far in the quiz:

  • the number of questions attempted
  • the number of questions not attempted
  • the number of questions whose status is "right"
  • the number of questions whose status is "wrong"
  • the number of questions for which hints have been given
  • the number of questions for which clues have been given
  • the number of questions for which new answers have been received
  • the number of questions for which new answers have been received, or for which a hint or clue has been given

The following details are shown about scores for this click and for the quiz so far:

  • the raw score
  • the maximum score
  • the score as a percentage

Rejstřík všech souborů nápovědy
Zobrazit tuto nápovědu v jazyce: English